This 8 mile round-trip day hike, took us up and over the mountain, through snowfields and gave us spectacular 360 degree views!

Charlie and I at Akaiyan Falls.

Continuing on the trail, we encounter the first snowfield. Uncle Perry and Charlie have an ultimate snow wrestling contest. Age won out over youth!

Looking back at Akaiyan Lake.

This is what we had to climb to get over the mountain. They had blasted out narrow stairs, set metal poles into the rock and put a chain cable for balance & support. Going up was not too bad, coming down was a tad scary.

Dave photographed me crossing another snowfield, approaching our destination-SPERRY GLACIER!

This where we ate our lunch, sitting on top of the world!


Dave and Charlie with some beautiful glacial lakes. On top of the world before coming back down!

Perry and I returning over Comeau Pass.

Off in the distance, the Sperry Chalet returns to our views again.

Another relaxing evening of a delicious dinner and cards in the Dining Hall await!.
Wish i was hiking there NOW!!