After dinner, it was one last evening of cards. Here, Charlie perfects the "Uncle Perry Scowl"!

They put the hex on me and I lost yet again while playing "HEARTS"!

The next morning we gathered our stuff together so we could hike back down the mountain. Time to wake up "Sir Charles"!

When we had went on our hike up to Sperry Glacier the previous day, I had worn my hiking shirt that I had worn on the short hike to Hidden Lake. I noticed it had a funky smell to it which drove me crazy the whole time out to the Sperry Glacier. I knew I hadn't funked it up THAT much when I had worn it earlier in the week. This was one of the reasons why I had SO looked forward to getting cleaned up, even at an outdoor sink when we got back!
Anyway...as I was loading my stuff into my Camelbak, I noticed my nightgown had this huge brown stain on it! (I wasn't sure what the sleeping arrangenments were going to be, so luckily I had also brought along my sweats since we were all in the same room.) As I'm staring at this awful brown spot I decided to smell it. AACCKK! It had that SAME funky smell as my shirt, only worse!!! Slowly, it dawned on me. IT WAS HORSE SWEAT!!!! EEWW!! My clothes had been crammed into the canvas saddle bags and Son of Satan's sweat had seeped through to my clothes! BLECH!!!! Nasty is the the best word to describe that rankness!
Naturally, I am last in the 6.5 mile hike back down to Lake McDonald!

Taking a short break from our downhill descent.

Once we got down to Lake McDonald, Perry drove over to Kalispell, MT to pick up my sister-in-law Peggy at the airport. She could only get 2 weeks vacation whereas the rest of us had 3. Dave, Charlie & I headed over to the Many Glacier Hotel, got cleaned up and waited for them to meet us there. Unfortunately due to flight delays, Perry & Peggy spent the night in Kalispell and caught up with us the next day. They also missed David Walburn's show in the Music Mountain House Theatre at the Many Glacier Hotel. We were first made aware of David Walburn while on our Summer 2005 trip, our first trip ever to Glacier NP. He is a singer, songwriter and performs his original music with a slide show presentation. He does 3 different shows, a Lewis & Clark, one on Montana and our favorite which is entitled "Cabin Song"; chronicling the adventures of building a cabin in the interior of Alaska right out of college with 3 good friends. We took Charlie with us and I think he was expecting an evening of "lame Parent's entertainment" or and evening of "Parent's lame entertainment" but he was pleasantly suroprised. He asked to have his picture taken with David Walburn.

The Sperry Chalet experience is a definite highlight of the 2007 Canadian Rockies Trip!
Looks like a wonderful trip! Enjoyed your photos! (P.S. FOr some reason, I can't get back to your other blog - Slim Pickings...)