The hike to DEADWOOD FALLS wasn't a long hike by any standards! Dave and his youngest brother Perry were going to do a short backcountry hike up Gunsight Pass, camp overnight at Lake Ellen Wilson and the next day they were to rendez-vous with Charlie and I (who were going up on horseback) at the SPERRY CHALET.

The Great Northern Railroad built a chain of chalets in the earliest days of the Park as a means of attracting visitors. There was no "Going To The Sun" Road at that time, so riding horseback was the only means of seeing this "Crown Of the Continent". Out of all the chalets built, SPERRY & GRANITE PARK are the only 2 that remain. Charlie and I decided to hike in a short way with Dave and Perry to Deadwood Falls but after a half mile in, Charlie decided to go back to the van. The 3 of us hiked the remaining 3/4 mile of the trail, part of it running parallel to Reynold's Creek until we reached our destination.

Reynolds Creek as it prepares to enter the small gorge leading up to Deadwood Falls.

After a short break and snapping off pictures, I kissed Dave goodbye and told him that I would see him the next day at SPERRY CHALET.
Upon leaving the guys, I had to hike back to the van, ALONE! I had been under the impression that I was going in with them, a short walk to the watherfall, not 1.3 miles. Thus, I had brought no daypack and no bear spray! Dave laughed that this would probably be a good time for me to sing, (the only time I wouldn't receive a hard time or groans when I bursted into an exuberant song!) The only problem was that it was all uphill going back and my breath was being used for other things, mainly breathing rather than singing! As I wound through the forest and berry bushes I thought of scenes from 2 different movies.
The first movie that came to my mind was "Jurassic Park"; that scene where the dinosaurs are sneaking through the vegetation and yank out the stragglers that are crossing through the meadow in single file formation! The other movie was "Return of the Mummy", where the voodoo, pygmy creatures with blow darts, are screaming through the jungle killing everyone in sight! I tried to quiet my over-active imagination but just when I thought I had gotten it under control, I heard a noise in the vegetation and stopped. It stopped as well. Peering out under the canopy of green, I strained my eyes for a glimpse of grizzly fur. I saw nothing and after what seemed like an eternity I resumed walking. After a few paces, I heard the noise again and felt something reach for my leg! I took off running, knowing full well that I could never outrun a griz with my short, fat legs! Waiting for something to tackle me as I ran, I replayed the events in my mind. Only after I had "ran" a short distance did I realize what had happened. As the morning had worn on, the temperatures had risen and I tied my rainjacket around my waist. The vegetation covered over parts of the trail and as I had walked through, the swishy nylon had brushed against the plants and then bounced back onto my leg! When the full realization hit me, I laughed so hard at my own foolishness that I am sure whatever creatures were lurking in the woods, had been chased off.
When hiking I have learned to never take yourself TOO seriously!
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