We were in Arches during a heat wave where the temperatures hovered near the century mark, unusual for early June. Having a camp fire in the evening was completely out of the question at our campsite in the Devil's Garden Campground.

We arrived at the trailhead as they were resurfacing the parking lot. Besides filling our Camelbak's, Laura, Charlie and I carried 2 20 oz. bottles of water each. By the end of the hike, we had drained every drop!
"From the trailhead the path goes for only 0.3 mile before another spur trail leaves on the right to Pine Tree Arch and Tunnel Arch. Both Pine Tree and Tunnel are very young arches with relatively small openings surrounded by large masses of rock. They are not as impressive as some of the other arches, but as a prelude to the next arch-one of oldest-you should take the time to see them. The side trip to these two arches will extend your hike by about 0.6 mile."
Tunnel Arch

Pine Tree Arch

Landscape Arch

On June 5, 1995, a 47-foot mass of rock fell from the front of the thinnest section of the arch, followed by another 30-foot rock fall on June 21. Due to these events the Park Service has closed the loop trail that once led underneath the arch.
This resident along the trail blends right in!

The trail continues with the snow capped La Sal Mountains off in the distance!

"From Landscape Arch the trail continues northward, past Wall Arch, to another short spur trail leading to Navajo and Partition Arches. Navajo Arch, on the western edge of Devils Garden, is the larger of the two. Visiting these two arches will add about 0.7 mile onto your hike."
On the way to Navajo Arch, Charlie found this rock formation and waited for us to come along whereupon he he yelled "BOO!" and tried to grab us!

Hiking across Entrada Sandstone, eventually, after many years, these "fins" will dissolve and create arches as well!

Dave's youngest brother Perry and I with the La Sal Mountains behind us.

From atop the "fins", Dave photographs me heading over to the Black Arch Overlook.

Our final destination, Double "O" Arch.

I love Arches...nice to meet a fellow hikder online.